Tag Archives: tea party

Tea Party to Scott Brown: The Party’s Over

H/T  Hot Air

He may have been the first major victory of the Tea Party on a national level, but Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown may wind up looking a bit lonely in that regard has he prepares to run for his first full term in the upper chamber. The Daily Caller is reporting that Tea Party activists are feeling rather lukewarm toward Brown at best.

…Scott Brown was the tea party movement’s first electoral victory. But now that he’s up for re-election for a full six-year term in 2012, tea party activists tell The Daily Caller they’re not going to bother putting together the same operation that swept him into office the first time.

That’s not to say tea partiers will not vote for Brown, or even put up much of an effort to oppose him since a serious primary challenger has yet to be found.

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The Tea Party is hunting RINOs in Maine

By Tim Stanley US politics

The London Telegraph

Four Republican senators have indicated that they will vote against Paul Ryan’s controversial budget. One (Kentucky’s Rand Paul) thinks the budget is too cautious. Three (Maine’s Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, Massachusetts’s Scott Brown) say it is too radical. Conservatives accuse the New England trio of being Republicans In Name Only, or RINOs for short.

Moderate "Republicans In Name Only" are a dying breed

Moderate “Republicans In Name Only” are a dying breed

Whatever their private philosophies may be, each is trying to stay electorally competitive in heavily Democratic states by hewing to the centre. But balancing the concerns of voters and the expectations of grassroots activists is becoming harder to do in the age of the Tea Party. Given the momentum enjoyed by the right, RINOs like these may be extinct within a generation.

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