Tag Archives: Richard Mourdock Challenging Lugar in the Primary

RINO Dick Lugar has a Challenger

The Rino List

From backing the DREAM Act to supporting President Obama’s crippling START Treaty with Russia, Dick Lugar has had a checkered past with Conservative thought and policy.  Maybe if he had spent less time golfing with the President he would have had the time to look through these disastrous bills.  There is now hope.

In January, RINO Hunters in Indiana gathered to decide on someone to run against Lugar, and Indiana State Treasurer Richard Mourdock now is challenging Dick Lugar in the 2012 Senate run. Richard Mourdock’s campaign site has a wonderful YouTube video with damning comments falling from the lips of no less than our own Commander-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, of policy shaping relationship between himself and good ‘ole Lugar.

Obama’s Favorite Republican Senator RINO Dick Lugar

Richard Lugar even went so far as to return the slobbering fanboyism by thanking Obama for his outreach to Republicans via a Huffington Post puff piece.   Wow, talk about senile.  We need Richard Mourdock in the Senate!  Head over to www.richardmourdock.com to check out the awesome campaign site, and start believing.  We hunting down Lugar in 2012!