Tag Archives: John McCain


Posted on 20/02/2012 by KGS
Commentary by Jim Campbell

 These two fools should not be allowed to ever be in the same state let alone the same room.  The need to be loves is so strong among RINO’s they must have not received proper nurturing during childhood.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it, I’m J.C. and I approve this message.

You have got to be freaking kidding me.

We all know that Al-Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood is a strong component of the opposition. Just what advantage would be served in removing one terrorist supporting regime and installing another? These are not freedom loving Jeffersonian democrats, but vile, 7th century Taliban types. If they think that by removing Assad they take a stab in the heart of terrorism, just who do you think would be replacing him? Islamonazis.

McCain, Graham call for US to arm Syrian rebels

By Justin Sink – 02/19/12 03:39 PM ET
Two prominent Republican U.S. senators urged that the United States arm opposition forces in Syria Sunday as the government of Bashar al-Assad continued a bloody crackdown on the protests that have engulfed the nation.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who both serve on the Senate Armed Services committee, argued that arming rebel fighters in the country could help beat back a Syrian government with close ties to Iran.

“Breaking Syria apart from Iran could be as important to containing a nuclear Iran as sanctions,” Graham said at a press conference in Kabul, according to the New York Times. “If the Syrian regime is replaced with another form of government that doesn’t tie its future to the Iranians, the world is a better place.”

Graham and McCain were in Afghanistan as part of a larger tour through the Middle East. The former GOP presidential candidate said that Syrian rebels needed help to defend themselves.

More here.

Syrian (laughing out loud) Freedom Army, standing in front of al-Qaida flags.

McCain warns GOP against isolationism

RINO John McCain really needs to drift off into retirement. I do commend him for his service to his country, but his ideas are no longer acceptable in the GOP. RINO’s aren’t wanted any longer in the GOP.

By Erik Wasson

The Hill

Sir you have served your country to the best of your ability it’s time you gave serious thought to retiring and staying at home playing with your grandchildren.

Senate Armed Services Committee ranking member Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) warned Sunday that the GOP is at risk of becoming an isolationist party and he urged Congress to pass a resolution giving President Obama authorization to continue the air war in Libya.

“I do want to send a message, and that is that we cannot move into an isolationist party. We cannot repeat the lessons of the 1930s, when the United States of America stood by while bad things happened in the world. We are the lead nation in the world, and America matters, and we must lead. But sometimes that leadership entails sacrifice, sadly,” he said.

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