Tag Archives: LUGAR

Anti Gun RINO Dick Lugar to be voted out by Indiana voters

Jim Campbell, Citizen Journalist

Really Dick, nobody like a suck up, didn’t you learn that by the end of the first grade?  Apparently not so say goodbye to all your buds, you are going home.

Go quietly into the night senator, you’re rooting for the other team is not going to fly any longer.   A big heads up to Diane Feinstein, your hypocritical position on gun ownership is about to come back and bite you in the butt.  Too Wrong and Too Long for CA.  Elizabeth Emken for US. Senate in 2012.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it, I’m J.C. and I approve this message.

Do you even need to ask if Lugar voted to confirm Sotomayor and Kagan?

“Senate’s Most Anti-gun Republican in Trouble in Indiana,” a May 5 Gun Owners of America email alert advised.

“The most anti-gun Republican in the U.S. Senate, Dick Lugar, recently fell ten points behind in the polls to 100% gun rights supporter Richard Mourdock,” GOA reported in anticipation of tomorrow’s primary.

While encouraging news, it’s by no means a shoe-in for the challenger. Gun Rights Examiner warned against apathy and inaction allowing Lugar to retain his seat in a March column, citing the need for grassroots Indiana gun owner activism to ensure ousting the incumbent and replacing him with a friend. 

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Shockingly, grassroots support for RINOs evaporates, leaving Dick Lugar grasping at straws (and Leftists)

The Doug Ross Journal

Comment by Jim Campbell, Citizen Journalist

This is not going to be the year of the RINO, those who share the moniker will be targeted for extinction.  See Rid Congress of RINO’s.

Lugar, the great compromiser doesn’t understand that this is war.  There is no compromise in war unless you plan to lose.

Unfortunately the mirror, mirror on the wall who’s the biggest RINO of them all, Ms. Lindsey Graham won’t be going down until 2014.  I plan to see that it happens.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it, I’m J.C. and I approve this message.

Four days before the GOP primary, six-term incumbent Dick Lugar (R-IN) is in serious trouble, trailing Tea Party favorite Richard Mourdock by 10 points. Lugar, in his desperation to cling to power, has now turned to insulting Republicans and begging Democrats for support.


But, if he loses the primary, perhaps Lugar can run in the general as a democrat

The leftward drift of Democrats in the past couple of decades makes compromise increasingly untenable. Whatever basis there remained for genuine bipartisanship in Congress died during the second Bush term. The 2006 election brought into office a crowd of Democrats beholden to the far left, demanding radical measures on every issue from gay rights to global warming to health care. This was bad news for the Arlen Specter/Mike Castle type of “centrist” Republicans, just as it was for the Rick Boucher/Barron Hill type of “Blue Dog” Democrats, who were all but wiped out in 2010.

Liberal media types, always sympathetic to GOP moderates, like to portray the primary defeats of guys like Lugar as indicative of right-wing extremism among the Republican electorate, but the exact opposite it true: The problem is that the Democratic Party’s agenda is now so extreme that any Republican who tries to compromise with the opposition ends up embracing policies rejected by common-sense GOP primary voters.
Worse still, the establishment GOP — the pretend conservatives like Eric Cantor — have spent significant dollars trying to shore up Lugar’s support. Why? Because they appear to be so out-of-touch with mainstream America and so addicted to power, that they have become infected with the same disease that has poisoned so many politicians.

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RINO Stampede: Olympia Snowe Joins GOP Senators Susan Collins and Scott Brown in Saying She Will Vote Against Ryan Budget Plan…

H/T Weasel Zappers

Comment by Jim Campbell

Not so fast in labeling everyone a RINO that will vote against this bill.  Allan West (R-FL) is no RINO and explains his reasoning here.

Why does Snowe insist on calling herself a Republican? She doesn’t have a conservative bone in her body.

Centrist Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) said Tuesday that she will vote against Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) budget when it comes up for a vote in the Senate.

Snowe, who is up for reelection in 2012, praised Ryan for proposing a budget but said that she disagrees with the way it reforms Medicare.

“I am going to vote ‘no’ on the budget because I have deep and abiding concerns about the approach on Medicare, which is essentially to privatize it,” Snowe told The Portland Press Herald.

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