Tag Archives: Olympia Snowe

Maine Senate candidate, Scott D’Amboise calls on Olympia Snowe to resign in face of husband’s scandal

The Daily Caller

The Justice Department joins suit against firm chaired by Olympia Snowe’s husband.  Unwittingly the racist Justice Department run by Obama and Holder has attacked a white republican female that is considered a throw away by the republican party.  The voters in Maine don’t want this RINO “NO MO.” 

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it, I’m J.C. and I approve this message.

Scott D'Amboise, Snowe's challenger, on Tuesday called on Snowe to resign from the Senate after a whistleblower lawsuit accused Pittsburgh-based Education Management Corp. of defrauding the government of taxpayer-funded financial aid by illegally compensating its recruiters on a per-person basis. Snowe's husband, former Maine Gov. John McKernan, is Education Management's board chairman.Conservative D’Amboise to defeat RINO Snowe in 2012

Scott D’Amboise, Snowe’s challenger, on Tuesday called on Snowe to resign from the Senate after a whistleblower lawsuit accused Pittsburgh-based Education Management Corp. of defrauding the government of taxpayer-funded financial aid by illegally compensating its recruiters on a per-person basis. Snowe’s husband, former Maine Gov. John McKernan, is Education Management’s board chairman.

Maine Republican Senate candidate Scott D’Amboise, who is challenging sitting Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe in the upcoming 2012 primary, called on Snowe to resign from her seat immediately.

D’Amboise issued a statement Tuesday morning calling on Snowe to resign after the U.S. Department of Justice joined a lawsuit against Education Management Corporation (EDMC), a company that has employed her husband, former Maine Gov. John McKernan, for the past 12 years. The suit alleges that EDMC had defrauded the government of financial aid funding.

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The Tea Party is hunting RINOs in Maine

By Tim Stanley US politics

The London Telegraph

Four Republican senators have indicated that they will vote against Paul Ryan’s controversial budget. One (Kentucky’s Rand Paul) thinks the budget is too cautious. Three (Maine’s Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, Massachusetts’s Scott Brown) say it is too radical. Conservatives accuse the New England trio of being Republicans In Name Only, or RINOs for short.

Moderate "Republicans In Name Only" are a dying breed

Moderate “Republicans In Name Only” are a dying breed

Whatever their private philosophies may be, each is trying to stay electorally competitive in heavily Democratic states by hewing to the centre. But balancing the concerns of voters and the expectations of grassroots activists is becoming harder to do in the age of the Tea Party. Given the momentum enjoyed by the right, RINOs like these may be extinct within a generation.

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RINO Olympia Snowe

Sen. Snowe from Maine has been known in the GOP for her Progressive Policies.  Looking at her stance on the issues, one can see that she is a clear Progressive.  Her 100% Pro-Abortion score from NARAL puts her at odds with a the Republican Party Platform that preserves the Life of the Unborn.

Don’t miss Collins on the left and the Snowe Job in the middle.

She is a proud member of the Republican Mainstreet. The Conservative Magazine Human Events placed her at #2 on their Top Ten RINO List.  She also backs same sex marriage.  We couldn’t agree more!  Maine, lets get a real Republican in the Senate in 2012!